Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Morning Greeting 08/28/2013

Good morning all,
Where you are right now is not your final destination.  Unless you give up on yourself and your dreams, your path continues to stretch in front of you.  Have a wonderful day.

Learning From A Five Year Old

Often, I find myself jotting down ideas for stories.  Sometimes I just get a title in my head and that is it.  The real pleasure comes from listening to my five year old read to me his stories.  He wants to write books like his mom.  It's such a great learning experience for me as a writer because I get to hear how a child talks and reacts to the story.  I get to sharpen my skills as a writer and strengthen my imagination.  Quentin isn't easily won over by buggers, bugs or monsters.  I have to be creative and keep his attention once I capture it.  Quentin represents a significant percentage of my audience, so I have to step it up.   There is a lot to learn in the literary world, I've just begun.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Morning Greeting 08/26/2013

Good morning all,

Just because you are talented in a particular area such as art, writing, sports does not mean that you are by far the best.  We can learn from others as we strengthen our talents.  Don't let your pride stifle your growth.  Have a great day

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Morning Greeting 08/22/2013

Good morning all,
The talent you have is your own.  No one controls it but you.  Let no one stop you from sharpening or sharing your gift. Have a wonderful and progressive day.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Morning Greeting 08/21/2013

Good morning all. We have been blessed to see a new day. Greet your challenges with a smile. You have what it takes to overcome the challenges that are before you. Have a wonderful day.

Friday, August 2, 2013

Morning Greeting 8/02/2013

Good morning all,

When it seems no one will listen, no one cares, remember that God will never leave your side. Pray about everything, worry about nothing.